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Process & Services


Our Philosophy


At AKI we partner with you to create beautifully executed projects that bring you joy while reflecting the best version of you.  Our goal is to help you make wise decisions that foster both beauty and value.


Our Process




Our work is a collaboration between designer and client; we consider your goals, ideas, tastes, lifestyle, habits and budget to help us best analyze the scope and direction of your project.  


Scope/Design Fee:​


Once we determine the scope of your project, we provide an estimate of the design fee and potential costs.
We work with architects, builders and assist in all phases of the building process.  We love to get in early so that we can give you the advice you need to best plan your home -- but truth be told -- the decorating end of the job

is what we really love. 


Our Services


We can help you with your new build whether it's your primary home or your vacation getaway and we can help redecorate your existing space.  We work locally and remotely, however, we do require a three room minimum commitment to engage our services.




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